Magidome teams up with Cillema to shoot old-school Super 8 content

Magidome teams up with Cillema to shoot old-school Super 8 content

As we launched our Magidome Dome Steel Dome Connectors Jan 2021, we were looking for a bit of a rebrand that mixed both the style of vintage backyard home videos, with an artsy backwoods creator vibe.  Luckily in true character Alex Bocaj and Amy Hemmerling from had just reordered some authentic Super 8 film and pitched an authentic lo-fi filming out in rural interior BC.

Cillema workss with mixed vintage media to create genuine analog content for Magidome

As the weather warmed in spring up we had decent gloomy day to film on a friends property. His concept: build a communal gazebo sitting and hangout zone for guests on his property to come together during music performances and bonfires.  His lumber was pre-cut to approx 5 ft lengths we set to assembling and filming.

Here we can see Alex in his natural environment:

 It didn't take long for the basic build (Magidome makes building a dome a breeze). For this project we assembled with wood screws despite the option for carriage bolts.  We built this option into our steel plates for smaller projects that require only a cordless drill.  This makes setting up a Magidome for temporary installations a breeze.  (We always reccomend carriage bolts for robust more permanent projects.)

Here we see trevor got the fashion memo. The goal was to dress  timeless, fresh with a gentle steeze.

Magidome: The easiest way to build a domeThe issue with lofi analog film work is the limitations of course with film length, editing ability, and using equipment that may no longer run like it used to.  Amy made sure to bring out the VHS quality handicam just in case the film length ran out.  

Upon finishing we lit a fire for ambience and reminisced about the days gone by.  We also came up with how benches could be build inside, as well as how nice it would be to have vines engulf the dome for epic garden beauty.

 Teamwork always makes things more fun. 

 We sent the film off to the developers and the team at Cillema got back to us with a lofi analog beauty.  Of course synced to some cheeky retro track for a "home video" type feel.

Magidome : The easiest way to build a geodesic dome

 Teamwork always makes things more fun. 

We sent the film off to the developers and the team at Cillema got back to us with a lofi analog beauty.  Of course synced to some cheeky retro track for a "home video" type feel.

Magidome: The best way to build a geodesic dome

The finished work below:

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