How To Build a Geodesic Dome
Our goal: Provide the world with the most affordable and easy to use geodesic dome connector kit to make geodesic dome building simple and fun for the whole world to enjoy.
We chose the 1v geodesic dome as our shape of choice. Made of 25 equal length lumber, theres no fancy math or calculations involved. Magidome geodesic dome connectors do all the angles for you. Made of 16 gauge double galvanized steel, our geodesic dome connectors are designed with sustainability in mind.
Each kit comes with 11 galvanized geodesic dome connectors to build a versatile dome. From geodesic greenhouse to chicken coop or chicken tractor for the yard. You imagination makes it a dynamic project for woodworkers and diy enthusiasts.
The beauty of a 1v dome is it's unique footprint. This is the ideal geodesic shape for smaller backyard spaces in the city or in the country. Made entirely of triangles its rigid shape makes it a great use for gardening, camping out, and a fantastic and fun diy project.
Simply fit your lumber into the channel flush to the end, pre-drill and then assemble from the ground up. The whole process can take as little as two hours and is fantastic project for the weekend in the garden or homestead.
Awesome backyard Magidome assembled by @mochiwoodhobby on instagram
For sizing and more detailed instructions go Here
For uses for your Magidome go Here
For details on adding braces go here